It is time to go to the family farm, which is easier said than done. They don’t have TVs, but they all know Darryl. The signs read, “Stanley Cup Coming To Viking” and there are so few cars here, for two full days they remained unmoved. He is told that his mother was thankful he decided to stay, and he smiles. They were almost as entertaining as the games. The couple live in Viking, Alberta in their 640-acre Sutter ranch. Darryl watched his first game as the new official Flames’ head coach from his ranch 137 kilometres away in Viking. Folks are asked to give a voluntary $5 donation to local charities, but there is no limit on his conversation time, the amount of photos he will take or autographs he will sign. But his family moved to this spread when he was in elementary school, and it’s where his most vivid memories remain. Wendy McMahon will bring a new style of management to CBS’ television stations group following the ouster of former stations chief Peter Dunn. “The way Darryl is, that was instilled in us from the day we were born,” said brother Duane. He is asked about the influence of the farm on his approach to the Kings, and he shrugs. They had seven boys, six of whom played in the NHL. “You have to understand, we have sort of a loose definition of family,” said brother Brian. There are no sponsors except for rink billboards promoting the likes of Lefsrud Seed, Kittle Farms, Viking Home Hardware. Sutter coached the Flames from 2002-06, guiding the franchise to the Stanley Cup in 2004 before losing in seven games to the Tampa Bay Lightning. There is no video. At the wheel is Sutter’s son Chris, who has Down syndrome and has become beloved by Kings fans for his nightly dances and flexes on the Staples Center scoreboard. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Family and friends gather at Kings Coach Darryl Sutter’s cattle ranch in Viking. Los Angeles Kings head coach Darryl Sutter raises the Stanley Cup after the Kings beat the New York Rangers in Game 5 of the NHL Stanley Cup Final series, in Los Angeles, Friday, June 13, 2014. “You stand around me, I’ll keep holding this Cup, does that work?”. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Boys play hockey in the hayloft at the Viking, Alberta home of Kings Coach Darryl Sutter during a weekend party with the Stanley Cup. “Only it’s all Xs and O’s.”. “What’s he going to do, rip into his team in that situation? Kings Coach Darryl Sutter smiles at his Viking, Alberta ranch where neighbors and family gathered for a party with the Stanley Cup. Darryl Sutter was plucked from a ranch midseason and now is one win from a Stanley Cup. He’s a Canadian farmer who leaves his spread every winter for this little hockey job down south. The Calgary Flames fired head coach Geoff Ward on Thursday night, replacing him with former coach and two-time Stanley Cup champion Darryl Sutter. Our columnist visits L.A.'s new wave of shelter solutions. A sculpted sign featuring the Darryl Sutter brand stands at the entrance to the Kings coach’s sprawling cattle ranch. A new Carena has been built down the street, which is appropriately where Sutter begins his Stanley Cup tour in an event that perfectly illustrates the 1,800 miles from here to Staples Center. You have to create and build that, you can’t just go and say it, otherwise everybody would do it.”. Given his age, I thought he would rather go do ranch stuff, retire, and be with family. Mookie Betts’ walk-off catch saves day as Dodgers beat Padres, win eighth straight. California community college enrollment plummets, putting some campuses at risk. With Sutter observing the NHL's COVID-19 protocols and tending to business on his ranch, the Flames went 0-1-1 under assistant Ryan Huska last weekend. All the Sutter brothers are here. Grass flattens and rocks spit as a car slowly crunches up the driveway and into a parking spot in a ditch. “We were raised to be humble and work hard and, while you had an inner confidence, it wasn’t anything you boasted about.”. Sitting on his back porch late in on this Saturday afternoon, his Cup party headed toward an eventual late-night family gathering around a bonfire, a relaxed Sutter’s words come easier. “Well, you think about it, seven boys ... we were raised almost like a team, we sort of lived it,” he said. Sutter began his coaching career with the Chicago Blackhawks after his retirement, becoming an assistant coach for the 1987–88 season under head coach Bob Murdoch. “Because this is who he is.”. Hanging nearby is another piece of Darryl’s childhood art, a burlap painting of Tony Esposito. “A hummingbird.”. And I hope the Flames fans embrace Chris Sutter the way Kings fans did. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Darryl Sutter is doused with cold water as he accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge during a weekend party with the Stanley Cup at his ranch in Viking, Alberta. He has been named national sports columnist of the year eight times by the Associated Press, and twice by the Society of Professional Journalists and National Headliner Awards. Plaschke has appeared in a movie (“Ali”), a dramatic HBO series (“Luck”) and, in a crowning cultural moment he still does not quite understand, his name can be found in a rap song “Females Welcome” by Asher Roth. “I saw the notice in town and I thought, by golly, we cannot miss this,” Edward Walter says. Two families from a nearby Hutterite colony show up in colorful garb. The concrete under his boots grows more unforgiving as time passes, yet he stands for the entire three hours, staying strong for a community that once was strong for him. Darryl said no, he would build his house right next to hers. If Darryl is feeling sentimental — and this is the one place where those tough eyes grow soft — he might stop by the mural on 53rd Avenue, a colorful drawing of his entire family in hockey uniforms, scrawled across the last remaining original wall of the hockey arena where he grew up playing. “It’s good to give it back, that’s why you do this, right?” Sutter says later. “This Stanley Cup is like our wedding.”. Brent, Brian, Darryl, Duane, Rich and Ron combined to play nearly 5,000 games and win the Stanley Cup six times as players. Pretty sure ownership has a good relationship with the Sutter family and maybe asked Darryl for help personally. “Nope,” says his brother Brian during Sutter’s combination Stanley Cup celebration/potluck supper earlier this month. READ MORE: Darryl Sutter has ‘unfinished business’ in return to Calgary Flames. Understated, enduring, emotional and occasionally draped in hay. A A. That is not a smile you’ve seen from his infamously stern game face. Kings Coach Darryl Sutter is never down on the farm Kings Coach Darryl Sutter smiles at his Viking, Alberta ranch where neighbors and family gathered for a party with the Stanley Cup. If you add in the seven calendar years Darryl Sutter moved upstairs to act as general manager of the franchise, it totals 20. He doesn’t give a speech. “Oh, and he really used to have nice curly hair.”. “Look, shhh,” Darryl Sutter says in a loud whisper, pointing toward a buzz in grove of trees. He even takes time to hug a young local girl who showed up in a New York Rangers cap and jersey. “Darryl stayed on the family farm, which is what our father always wanted us to do,” Brian says. “You know how to get there?” Sutter asks a visitor. With Sutter observing the NHL’s COVID-19 protocols and tending to business on his ranch in Viking, Alta., the Flames went … The door is opened into thick air cut by the twang of an accordion, laughter of children and the swatting of mosquitoes. But leaning against a wall in one corner, covered in cobwebs, there remains a handful of ancient hockey sticks. The wooden stick and attached puck stand guard in front of the doughnut and sandwich shop at the entrance of town. “That let me know that all our years of hard work on this piece of land were not in vain,” Grace says. This family was indeed how their culture was created. He drapes his arm around shoulders and warmly pats backs. With Sutter observing the NHL’s COVID-19 protocols and tending to business on his ranch in Viking, Alta., the Flames went 0-1-1 under assistant Ryan Huska this weekend. “Welcome to Viking, Home of the Sutters” it reads. The Season 2 debut of Black & White gives you an inside look at the off-season on the Sutter ranch in Viking, Alberta, Canada. Get the latest on L.A.'s teams in the daily Sports Report newsletter. She is proud of this room, which is filled with everything from ancient and dusty hockey clocks to a hockey painting of two New York Islanders and one Chicago Blackhawk done by Darryl when he was in fifth grade. Darryl is the only one to win it as a coach, but he’s famous around here not for what he did, but what he didn’t do. Mother unraveled in depression, QAnon-style conspiracies in months before she killed 3 kids. The temperature in the rink rises, everyone is sweating, yet Sutter just swigs down some bottled water and keeps smiling. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Rich Sutter dons a Kings jersey as his brother Darryl Sutter waits to pose for a photo with him and the Stanley Cup during a party at his ranch. She asks visitors to remove their shoes if they want to accompany her down into a basement that looks like a high school kid’s bedroom, with faded trophies and photos and mementos filling every wall. “When he said, ‘Fly at 11,” that was just perfect, that was pure Darryl,” Duane says. USC got to perform in front of fans Saturday at the Coliseum in its spring game. There are never any cheers just for him. Their favorite line from this spring was when he responded to a question about his message to his team after its Game 6 loss to Chicago in the Western Conference finals. “We weren’t raised to be hockey players, we were raised to be farmers.”. From this early Saturday afternoon until deep into the night, the Sutter clan will answer Chris’ call, eating brisket and potato salad and Tim Horton doughnuts off paper plates, drinking Molson’s out of silver cans and whiskey out of red paper cups, laughing and hugging and toasting. It is Darryl’s show, but, typically, it has seemingly has little to do with Darryl. At one point he sneaks around the back of the barn and allows friends to pour freezing water on him and the Cup as part of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but he doesn’t advertise it. These days when Dean Lombardi speaks with Darryl Sutter, the former general manager is normally in the middle of a cattle run at his ranch in Idaho. He places it on a folding table in the middle of the rink’s concrete floor. He stands alone next to it and invites townsfolk to walk up and have their picture taken with him. But the offense struggled behind makeshift lines. Sutter would’ve needed a pretty good reason to come back. By now, the road to the heart of Hollywood’s hockey team having already led to the most surprising of places, the answers are clearly yes and no. “Here we go!” shouts Chris, starting the vehicle while patting the Cup. A bus driver who used to be the mayor shows up. The right sandwich for 22 different hikes in L.A. A hike is a good excuse to eat a sandwich. Darryl Sutter is back as the Flames head coach and took part in his first on ice practice with the team. “It clears everything in your head. The entertainment here consists initially of Wanda and her sister soulfully playing guitar and singing songs like “Your Cheatin’ Heart” and “Jolene.” The stage is occupied by a three-piece band highlighted by the guy with the accordion. In case you were wondering – and he was – “Plaschke” is rhymed with “Great Gatsby.”, UC explains admissions decisions in a record application year of much heartbreak, some joy. Sutter and his six brothers grew up playing hockey together in this loft, now home to just the aging sticks they used and bent chicken wire that prevented pucks from flying out of the goals/doors. This farm is indeed where the Kings’ belief system was built. University of California admissions officers explain their decisions in a year of record applications that brought widespread heartbreak and some joy for high school seniors competing for spots. That is not a quote you’ve heard in his infamously mumbled news conferences. Can money from Silicon Valley save low-cost housing in South L.A.. “This is a tight group and, quite honestly, we haven’t had a wedding this summer,” he says. READ MORE: Darryl Sutter has ‘unfinished enterprise’ in return to Calgary Flames With Sutter observing the NHL’s COVID-19 protocols and tending to enterprise on his ranch in Viking, Alta., the Flames went 0-1-1 underneath assistant Ryan Huska this weekend. Alberta on Aug. 16 to celebrate his second Stanley Cup victory. Images. “One of us.”. Then he hangs out in town like any other local farmer, driving into the five-block main drag most days to pick up his mail at the Java Blossom florist/coffee shop run by the wife of best friend Kevin “Weasel” Squair, then maybe making a stop at the weathered bar next to the gas station for a beer and plate of wings. He has been doing it from his Viking-area ranch, so there is no quarantine or travel time involved. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Several years ago, when Darryl decided he wanted to build a permanent home on this farm, his mother suggested several more picturesque sights in the far corners of the property. With a howl and growl and a giant Kings flag flapping above the hood, the Gator rumbles beyond the driveway and through the grassy backyard area back toward a red barn and temporary stage. (Robert Gauthier, Los Angeles Times), Alana Squiar leads one of Darryl Sutter’s horses from the corral as friends and family attend a Stanley Cup party at his ranch. A sandwich improves every hike, and in L.A., you can almost always find one not far from the other. “People who aren’t from here sometimes ask me if I ever see Darryl,” says Debbie White, a longtime resident. Liliana Carrillo’s unraveling over the last year alarmed people in her life. The Cup is strapped into the passenger seat of a Gator utility vehicle sitting in the Sutter driveway. “The [Kings] players know now, when they come in, there is a threshold of teamwork they have to meet. The Sutter family, originally from Viking, Alberta, Canada, are one of the most famous families in the National Hockey League (NHL). Darryl Sutter was plucked from a ranch midseason and now is one win from a Stanley Cup. Darryl, one member of the famous Sutter family is more than anything a family man. The Sutter boys simply left their sticks there one day before leaving for professional hockey, and nobody has moved them since. There is nowhere to place the Cup for a photo, and it is growing heavy in his hands, yet he poses for one more photo. When the flow of friends seemingly finally ends, Sutter picks up the Cup and begins carrying it back to the truck when he is stopped by one last family, a father and three daughters. Several miles north of here, on a 3,000-acre farm, is where Louis and Grace Sutter raised one of the most accomplished families in sports history. “I do a lot of good hockey thinking out there by myself on the tractor,” he says. Pretty sure ownership has a good relationship with the Sutter family and maybe asked Darryl for help personally. All the Viking neighbors are here. Sutter just smiles, shrugs, and keeps walking out to the SUV, where he carefully places the Cup in his its case, in the trunk, and helps strap it in for the second half of its tour. He says that, instead of taking him away from hockey, this farm actually constantly reconnects him with the game. Andre Drummond keeps the beat going for Lakers. “Since I was a little boy, this is where I wanted to build a house ... in the rural communities,” he says. Hey, there’s William Roeleveld, a golfing buddy who recently played with Darryl on the town’s nine-hole course in a tournament whose prizes included farm spray. It was Darryl’s desire to care for then-infant Chris that caused Sutter to walk away from his job as Chicago Blackhawks coach in 1995 and leave the game for two seasons. Although Sutter is the new head coach, he decided it would be… (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times) These days when dean lombardi speaks with darryl sutter, the former general manager is normally in the middle of a cattle run at his ranch in idaho. The second reign of Darryl Sutter behind the bench begins tonight for the Calgary Flames (11-23-3, 25 points) as they face the red-hot Montreal Canadiens (12-6-7, 31 points). Sometimes the Sutter boys themselves would fly through those doors. The Murdoch led Blackhawks finished with a record of 30–41–9 and lost in the division semi-finals against the St. Louis Blues four games to one. Bill Plaschke has been an L.A. Times columnist since 1996. “I wish more people could see him here,” says his wife, Wanda. It is advertised on two cardboard signs stuck on the ground in the middle of the town’s two main intersections. The road is bumpy, barren, stretching out from a town with no stoplights into a vast and desolate countryside blanketed in an interminable silence interrupted by the occasional chirping from a tree or rumbling of a train. Stop in front of a narrow driveway that leads back to a cluster of trees, barns and bales. “This is how we were raised and why we come back.”. He glides easily among groups of friends wearing farm caps and others wearing golf shirts. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Kalena Christenson comes to the rescue of her son, Walker, 4, who slips while trying to mount a mechanical horse with his sister, Harlee, 2, during a Stanley Cup party at the home of Kings Coach Darryl Sutter. “I see people today, honest to goodness, I haven’t seen them for 40 years, but it’s like, oh yeah, you connect again, it’s very cool, very special.”. “‘I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the 2014 Stanley Cup champion L.A. Kings!” he shouts, and Bob Miller couldn’t have said it any better. The table has been folded up. There are tears in the father’s eyes as he snaps the photo. Darryl Sutter – who is also the owner of a 3,000-acre ranch near Viking, Alta. The Stanley Cup has made many grand entrances in its 122-year history, but surely few have been as loudly joyful as its latest trek into the Sutter farm. He stoops down to hug old women and raises his arms to lift smiling babies. They would play floor hockey up there during the summer, with goals occurring when the puck flew out through an open door and dropped 10 feet down into a pasture. That’s it. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), 18 The event is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Sutter shows up 15 minutes early and hauls the 34 1/2-pound Cup from an SUV into the arena. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Stunned, but still standing, Darryl Sutter recoils after being doused with cold water as part of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Rich Sutter snaps a photo of his brother, Darryl Sutter during a weekend party celebrating the Stanley Cup. Oh, and then there’s Denton and Brandi Quattek with baby Cooper. “He’s never left us, he’s never changed, he comes back and he’s just Darryl,” Roeleveld said. Once again the hockey world will be treated to the World's Greatest Post-game Press Conferences. Is a tiny house really a glorified toolshed? The red barn of his childhood is still here, and so is the cramped wooden hayloft where the Sutter brothers learned the game. That's why this seems like a desperate move on the owners part. Make a right turn at a metal sign stuck in a rusted wagon, its wrought-iron letters distinct and startling. It didn't take Sutter very long to give the boys some tough love with a bag skate only 35 minutes into practice. Mater Dei beats St. John Bosco for Trinity League title. Sutter conducted his first practice with the team today since being hired to replace Geoff Ward, who was fired last Thursday night. “This life is blue collar, grass roots, straightforward, get it done, not a whole lot of B.S. Darryl Sutter addresses the media in this file photo from May 26, 2009, back when he was general manager of the Calgary Flames. No more, no less. Somebody stuck a spray-painted wooden sign in the driveway informing everyone that this was a private party, but the line of parked cars along the adjoining gravel road eventually seems to stretch for a mile, and inside the farm are several trailers housing more Sutters and such. Darryl stayed here, herds cattle here, drives a tractor here, works the farm like he works his hockey team. Darryl watched his first game as the new official Flames’ head coach from his ranch 137 kilometres away in Viking. Darryl Sutter's Ranch 5 of 6 If you were looking for the winning coach of the 2012 Stanley Cup in October you would have found Darryl Sutter at his ranch in Alberta, Canada. “This is the real Darryl.”. Tiny houses and shipping containers may help homeless people in L.A. Are they humane? He was happily living on his ranch in retirement. “I think Darryl Sutter has three loves in his life: his family, their ranch and winning hockey games. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Darryl Sutter and his son, Chris, watch a replay of the Kings’ championship run during a rally at Staples Center on June 16. (Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times), Dozens of fans and neighbors line up to get a photo with Kings Coach Darryl Sutter and the Stanley Cup at the Viking Carena Complex. He ’ s all Xs and O ’ s. ” former coach two-time... L.A. 's new wave of shelter solutions saw him yesterday. ” Cup isn ’ t have TVs, but son. It has seemingly has little to do with Darryl stick and attached puck stand guard in front of Saturday... Latest on L.A. 's teams in the NHL couple who remember looking up at their wedding and seeing sitting... Everyone is sweating, yet Sutter just swigs down some bottled water and keeps.... 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