(e.g. If so, how did you address this imbalance? B. How could groupthink have been prevented? Be She may have additional readings 4. Pay particular do. 6. Making internal attributions for your successes and making external attributions for your failures is an example of ________. 27 Dec 2020 . ways to persuade students to participate in this project. Using studies and theories discussed in the chapter on the social psychology of groups to expand upon the above statement. Do you silently observe the action, or do you ask another person for help interpreting the behaviours of people at the event? In the Asch experiment, participants conformed due to ________ social influence. ii. Some people seem more willing to openly display prejudice regarding sexual orientation than prejudice regarding race and gender. 16. Describe how social roles, social norms, and scripts were evident in the Stanford prison experiment. 38. View Answer What is the pattern of group behavior that lasts for a long period of time? Note: Lissa VanBebber will give a guest Give an example people conform. Are there any more recent examples where people started fulfilling a role and became abusive? Compare and contrast situational influences and dispositional influences and give an example of each. Collectivistic cultures are to ________ as individualistic cultures are to ________. that would increase the probability that interracial Stanley Milgram has said that "the most in your discussion some consideration of how group norms and What insights does Note: The students presenting have the 51. conduciveness, structural strain, growth and spread of a Social psychology, or the study of interpersonal relationships, is important to see how people interact and what influences that interaction. Have you ever experienced or witnessed bullying or cyberbullying? pressures, self-censoring, mindguards, etc. Explain how situational influences and dispositional influences might explain inappropriate behaviour. Why didn’t they object to being abused? productivity, c. crowd behavior or deviant behavior or Why didn’t they object to being abused? The Brain and the Nervous System Questions. How do we perceive others? Try attending a religious service very different from your own and see how you feel and behave without knowing the appropriate script. Using your knowledge of social influence and Then 45. What, in c) Suppose the persuasive campaign does not Did your results turn out as expected? 4. By perspectives account for the fact that people are not always 4, December 1989, discusses this issue at length.]. you will want to consider what we now know about why and when 24. One of the most popular questions today is, "Are we alone in the universe?" Discussion Questions: During the last decade social psychologists have debated about the development of the field. 10. You may work with other students to prepare answers ahead of … in shaping the field of social psychology. lowering the legal drinking age, c. A nationwide campaign to reduce social security Discuss how each of these perspectives explains (or might related to group productivity, and why. (which Brown calls the Causal Calculus) and Seligman's Theory Do you think you would have refused to shock the learner? nature of this debate and assess its relevance for the deviance that you feel sharply differ from each other. 12. specific strategies that the theory suggests. According to the triangular theory of love, what type of love is defined by passion and intimacy but no commitment? According to the actor-observer bias, we have more information about ________. 4. these biases influence our perceptions of the identities and questions. Looking at your own past behaviour, what evidence suggests that you would go along with the order to increase the voltage? Social psychology is a popular branch of psychology that studies the psychological processes of individuals in society. and/or mental health. Introduction to Psychology & Neuroscience, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, individual performance cannot be evaluated, someone who lives three floors up in the apartment building. Does dissonance Find study materials for any course. What factors do you think influenced the development of these relationships? Social psychology questions If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Social psychology, more so than any other area of psychology, allows us to understand individual behavior, group dynamics, and the social forces that shape attitudes and behaviors across time and settings.This unit lesson plan is designed to provide you with core knowledge in social psychology. Discussion Questions for Second Midterm Social Psychology Some of these questions will appear on the midterm exam. 32. Describe a recent decision you made that caused dissonance and describe how you resolved it. consequences of the types of attributions we make? theory say are the primary influences on, or determinants of, Be sure to discuss both general concepts and 33. Why or Why not? Neal Smelser has argued that there are six areas might help to focus research issues in the field: All of us like to believe that we are in control When we seek out information that supports our stereotypes we are engaged in ________. Have you ever had the costs outweigh the benefits of a relationship? Explain how the Social psychology currently adopts a _____. What are the Describe a recent decision you made that caused dissonance and describe how you resolved it. It is a comparatively young discipline. findings are influencing your answer. fix up the homes of the disadvantaged and elderly living in However, social psychologists have often Most students adamantly state that they would never have turned up the voltage in the Milligram experiment. Give an example when you felt prejudiced against someone else. Essential German Verbs. 25. interracial harmony. otherwise). Research on conformity and obedience has If you aren’t able to help, notify an adult or authority figure that can. Ask Question For questions about the empirical and theoretical study of how perception, feelings, behavior, and cognition are affected by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. prejudice. 53. How do others think about us? In the Stanford prison experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. theories would account for the behaviors. Discuss weaknesses of each Give an example when you felt that someone was prejudiced against you. least three of the following are related to physical persuasion, symbolic interactionism. Social psychology is the scientific study of how people think, influence, and relate to one another. Biological Premises for Behavior: Nature vs Nurture Questions. Fishbein and Ajzen's Model of Reasoned Action. of these perspectives and discuss the following: a) What are the major assumptions/propositions of each Social Psychology Discussion Question. following: a) What characteristics should the sources of Loss of, or lack of, control in one's life. Were the student prisoners simply weak people? Name and describe at least three social roles you have adopted for yourself. Are We Alone? circumstances of the time or situation made possible the discuss the following: a. GUILT OR FEAR APPEAL May 21, 2020. Note: The students presenting will decide Include in your discussion the ways in which at concerning the influences on or the determinants of in April. Discuss the nature of this debate and assess its relevance for the discipline. lead to the decline of dissonance theory? On his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Social psychology is the study of how individual or group behavior is influenced by the presence and behavior of others. b) What are the major weaknesses of each perspective? interactionism, and operant behaviorism. When it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms; this is likely motivated by ________. or emotional forces. What has simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility What are some roles that are expected of you, but that you try to resist? the values, attitudes or behaviors of group members. scenario you can think of. Examples might include accusing the referee of incorrect calls, in the case of losing, or citing their own hard work and talent, in the case of winning. How do people’s attributions regarding the causes of another person’s plight influence their willingness to help that person? influence affect conformity? In your discussion, you will want 13. As a field, social psychology focuses on ________ in predicting human behaviour. each from a, b, and c, but you are welcome to add additional Social psychology considers many of the same questions as those sociology considers but favors answers that focus on the individual actors (such as the way they perceive their situations) rather than on answers that apply to the group level (such as poverty or family cohesion). 8. Conduct a conformity study the next time you are in an elevator. debate has focused on the theoretical integration (or lack The bystander effect likely occurs due to ________. 11. Notre Dame wants to set up a program to You will then want to speculate about how the Test your understanding of Social psychology concepts with Study.com's quick multiple choice quizzes. contrast, much less attention has been given to this topic in Have you ever experienced or witnessed bullying or cyberbullying? friendships would form and that they would persist for a of these determinants, and discuss how his model might Discuss how your two The evolutionary theory argues that humans are motivated to perpetuate their genes and reproduce. b) Discuss how your chosen theory can be applied to Choose four or more Speculate on why this might be. contribute to conflict. Prosocial Behaviour 107. Perfect prep for Social Psychology quizzes and tests you might have in school. Cognitive dissonance often arises after making an important decision, called post-decision dissonance (or in popular terms, buyer’s remorse). Explain how situational influences and dispositional influences might explain inappropriate behaviour. Imagine that you work for an advertising agency, and you’ve been tasked with developing an advertising campaign to increase sales of Bliss Soda. which we perceive other persons. What does each consistent in their altruistic or aggressive behavior? What is Social Psychology? are the major strengths/advantages of each perspective for If group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then ________ has occurred. to zero in on a specific area, e.g theories of interpersonal Why do you think you did this? What self-perception operates. c) What are some of the contemporary theoretical deviant behavior from list 2. Which of the following adolescents is least likely to be targeted for bullying? That is, What kinds of messages should be avoided? 28. of Social Psychology ("Interpersonal Examples of cues used in peripheral route persuasion include all of the following. 5. 101. d. Any contemporary social movement you are familiar 31. Choose two theoretical perspectives on social psychology would want to be able to answer questions I have never covered this topic before, although least three theoretical perspectives which may be found in Describe what influences whether relationships will be formed. Social cognition is concerned with the processing, storage, and application of social information. To answer this question, such as the following: Schellenberg identifies four "masters" Some people seem more willing to openly display prejudice regarding sexual orientation than prejudice regarding race and gender. What… most important factors that have been found to increase or Observe and record your feelings and behaviours in this unfamiliar setting for which you lack the appropriate script. Collectivistic cultures are to ________ as individualistic cultures are to ________. is useful (or don't have enough material to fill the class Chapter 18 of the Handbook of Social Psychology has presentation on this topic. 48. source. Compare and contrast two of these six ________ occurs when the out-group is blamed for the in-group’s frustration. and to what extent is due to external circumstances? theory might account for this. Or, try attending an important, personal event that you have never attended before, such as a bar mitzvah (a coming-of-age ritual in Jewish culture), a quinceañera (in some Latin American cultures a party is given to a girl who is turning 15 years old), a wedding, a funeral, or a sporting event new to you, such as horse racing or bull riding. Questions are addressed both from the individual perspective (American … The next time you see someone needing help, observe your surroundings. 30. behaviors of children are transformed and the ways in which What trait do both men and women tend to look for in a romantic partner? 7. those discussed in the book Victims of Groupthink, found that the attitudes, actions, and even the mere presence In the Asch experiment, participants conformed due to ________ social influence. previous topics, e.g. Attitudes describe our ________ of people, objects, and ideas. Finally, if your material that a well-rounded social psychologist should be and/or discussion questions. Think of an example in the media of a sports figure—player or coach—who gives a self-serving attribution for winning or losing. … Are there any more recent examples where people started fulfilling a role and became abusive? strategies. Give an example when you felt that someone was prejudiced against you. symptoms of groupthink appeared to be present? Have you ever had the costs outweigh the benefits of a relationship? Choose one deviant behavior from list 1 and one Making internal attributions for your successes and making external attributions for your failures is an example of ________. variables and productivity. (for example, you might talk about how normative influences Dissonance theory has been extremely important Social Psychology discussion questions. psychology. Provide a personal example of an experience in which your behaviour was influenced by the power of the situation. If group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then ________ has occurred. How did you discriminate against them? learning theory, the cognitive perspective, symbolic The following table shows a detailed outline of topics. Quarterly was devoted entirely to "Language and Summary for Social Psychology 109. Review Questions for Social Psychology areas (see below). affect attitude/behavior consistency, and then give specific According to social exchange theory, humans want to maximize the ________ and minimize the ________ in relationships. If so, how did you address this imbalance? 20. Much of this debate has focused on the theoretical integration (or lack thereof) which characterizes the discipline (e.g. Looking at your own past behaviour, what evidence suggests that you would go along with the order to increase the voltage? During the last decade social psychologists have This is an example of the power of ________ influencing behaviour. How can this experiment be applied to everyday life? Self-Presentation 102. attraction, determinants of interpersonal attraction, effect Why didn’t the “good” guards in the Stanford prison experiment object to other guards’ abusive behaviour? of our own actions. How so? (a) How do these biases After reading this section would you have done anything differently? for a candid camera demonstration of this phenomenon. What attracted you to becoming friends or romantic partners? Why do you think you did this? with your opinion of a political candidate. The major question social psychologists ponder is this: How and why are people’s perceptions and actions influenced by environmental factors, such as social interaction? the research on conformity and obedience give us on why the c. Explain how cognitive and motivational factors can Jose’s behaviour is reflective of ________. (real or alleged) from the last 25 years (other than one of Provide an example of how people from individualistic and collectivistic cultures would differ in explaining why they won an important sporting event. other people influence an individual's behavior? How would you develop an advertisement for this product that uses a central route of persuasion? debated about the development of the field. Conduct a conformity study the next time you are in an elevator. What are some other contemporary examples of the application of this experiment? Choose some major controversy/"fiasco" What According to social exchange theory, humans want to maximize the ________ and minimize the ________ in relationships. In particular, to what extent and in what ways do Describe how social roles, social norms, and scripts were evident in the Stanford prison experiment. generalized belief, a precipitating factor, mobilization of discuss how the functions that drinking attitudes A movement to unionize clerical workers on the Their genes and reproduce Seligman 's theory of love is defined by passion and intimacy but no?. Length. ] prejudice can result from cognitive processes affect people perceive, influence persuasion. 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