- Dilmuhamedova N.R., Nigmatova S.A., Petrova T.A., Avulov Z.
Descriptionof the guiding palynological complexes of the jurassic deposits of oil andgas regions the South Torgai 5-18
- Bespayev Kh.A., Parilov Y.S., Grebennikov S.I., Mukayeva A.E.
Prospects of Kuludzhun gold-bearing ore field (West Kalba) 19-33
- Stepanenko N.I., .Pankratova N.L. ,, Dyusembaeva K.S., Maylyanova E.N.
The geological structure and prospects of ore-bearing Upper Irgiz ore field (West Kazakhstan) 34-41
- Pavlova Z.N., Levin V.L., Kotelnikov P.E., Omarbekova A.E.
New variety of mineral lead-bismuth sulfosalts 42-45
- Shabanov T.A., Glagolev V.A.
Zone structurization of carbon 46-51
- Borankulova D.M., Zhassaralova A.Zh., Ermurzayev S.N.
The concept of the geomorphological system 52-56
- Malkovsky I.M., Toleubayeva L.S.
Water safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and decisions 57-67
- Poryadin V.I., Аkynbаеvа М.G., Аdеnоvа D.K.
Fundamental ecosistem intercoupling the contamination and exhaustion of the resource of fresh water of the hydrosphere 68-78
- Zeilik B.S., Baratov R.T.
КThe problem of the safety and protection of the planet from asteroid, meteor and comet bombing for preserving life on earth 79-92
- Borisenko G.T., Zakirova N.Y., Zhamanshalova A.B.
The effectiveness of well logging methods with different drilling mud 93-101
- Sharapatov A., Shayahmet М., Arshamov Ya.К.
About modern technology field geophysical research areas sulfide mineralization in Western Kazakhstan 102-107