The problem of space for the planet preserving life on earth (geological-geophysical data cosmogenic accidents) 5-15
А-type granites of the Dzhungarian Alatau 16-22
- Rodnova V.I., Giljv J.N., MamonovE.P., Umarbekova Z.T.
Formation and ore composition of Karatas gold and base metals deposit (Southern Kazakhstan) 23-32
- Bissengaliyev D., Temirkhassov A.M.
Structure and prospects of cretaceous sediments western South Torgai basin on the new seismic data 33-42
Structure and petroleum perspective of Lower Syrdarya Dome at the junction area with South Turgai basin 43-52
- Kulbatyrova B.A., Temirkhassov A.M.
Geological structure of the western part of South Turgai basin based on results of sedimentological and seismostratigrafphic analysis 53-61
- Mitrofanova АЖ, Kalita R.Sh., Bekkuliyeva A.A., Uksukbayeva S.A.
Safety use of nature resources and security of human activity in Almaty region 62-67
Formation and development of hydrogeochemistry science in Kazakhstan 68-79
- Omirzakov N.O., Ashiryaev K.Sh.
Analysis and forecast of use of underground waters of Almaty region 80-85
- Borisenko G.T., Dosymbekova Zh.B., Zhamanshalova A.B., Zakirova N.E.
Justification of GIS data interpretation technique and determination of subcalculating parameters in terrigenous deposits 86-94
- Nurpeisova M.B., Kyrgizbaeva G.M., Sarybaev O.A., Aitkazinova Sh.K.
The methodology of monitoring the earth surface displacements during the development of the subsoil 95-100
Name and scientific heritage of G. Bekzhanova is the priceless property of geologists of Kazakhstan 101-107