«Ophiolites» lower paleozoic northern Balkhash not reflect the composition of the oceanic crust geological past 5-29
- SkrinnikL.I., GadeevR.R., Umarbekov Z.T., Perevozov S.V.
Issues of dismemberment intrusive formations of the Northern Tien Shan 29-40
- Sejtmuratova E.Yu., Gorjaeva V.S., Diarov A.B., Arshamov Ja.K., Baratov R.T., Dautbekov D.O., Parfenova L.P., Zhakupova Sh.A.
On the results of the first purposeful work to study and evaluate the epithermal gold-silver mineralization Zhongar Balkhash-fold system 41-63
Predicted zoning southern flank of West Siberian petroleum basin (Northern Kazakhstan) to search for new hydrocarbon deposits and ore mineral objects 64-75
- Pavlova Z.N., Omarbekova A.E., Levin V.L., Kotelnikov P.E.
New spesies of bismuth’s sulfotellurit Bi3TeS3 76-79
- Bekenova G.K., Kusainov Zh.Zh., Slyusarev A.P., Levin V.L., Samatov I.B., Zheksembekova D.B., Kusenova A.S.
Cronstedtite from Karaoba deposit (Central Kazakhstan) 80-89
- Baibatsha A.B., Dyusembaeva K.Sh., Mamanov E.Zh.
Mineralogy of ores of copper-nickel ore occurrences «Karatorgai» 90-95
- Yerikuly Zh., Zhaparhanov S.
Predicting water inflows in the mine workings of Aktogay copper deposit (Eastern Kazakhstan) 96-104
- Kalugin O.A., Kan S.M., Tleuova Zh.T.
Some features modern state of thermal mineral waters of Southern Kazakhstan 105-109
- Kalugin O.A., Polumiskov G.L., Kurmangaliyeva Sh.G.
Water farm settlements the storage device wastewater - lake Sorbulak 110-119